Frequently Asked Questions

Q- Is it more expensive than masonry?
A- Many projects at AKARAKORN DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. offer prices on general structures with masonry walls and then request to switch to Smartcast without increasing the construction price. It can be confirmed that the price is less expensive than conventional brick masonry.
Q-Precast systems generally have leakage problems in the joints, why does the Smartcast system have no such problems?
A- With the solution to the joints to have 100% water-resistant physical properties without having to rely on the skin covering material, which will have a duty to keep the neatness only.
Q- If there are already plans, can use the Smartcast system?
A- AKARAKORN DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. can improve existing models to be compatible with the Smartcast system, with minimal impact on the architectural appearance to no impact.
Q- Where can use the Smartcast system?
A- Because the Smartcast system is a system that solves the problem of using a large number of construction workers to use the machines to reduce human error. Therefore, the suitable location for the Smartcast system should have a wide access road for delivery of Smartcast wall parts and PCB beams.
Q- Can the use of exterior wall materials such as tiling or sand wash?
A- In order to save time in the construction of high buildings with the Smartcast wall production system, the company can prepare the exterior surface of the building as the surface of various materials from the factory.
Q- What is Smartcast system suitable for?
A- All types of buildings, whether single house, townhouse, factory building or high buildings and other structures such as water tank, swimming pool, soil wall and others which will benefit from Smartcast system features.
Q- ผนัง Smartcast สามารถมีปัญหาเกี่ยวกับการทาสีหรือไม่
A- It can be painted on all types of Smartcast walls as well as brick masonry walls
Q- The lifetime of Smartcast wall?
A- It’s lifetime not less than the general reinforced concrete core structure without maintenance
Q- Building construction with Smartcast system can drill the door-window or to crack, dismantle, expand later?
A- without any problems with the main structure. The features of the Smartcast system are different from the general precast systems.